You know how to recognize when you are procrastinating? How to truly recognize that not only are you procrastinating but you are doing a terrible job of it as well? When you fire up your laptop to write a blog post and naturally you think, “Well just let me check my email before I start writing..." Then in your inbox, a message from Facebook, "Oh! Wait, what’s this? I’ve been tagged in a photo on Facebook, well I must just click on over there and make sure it is appropriate for public consumption". After reading all 200 status updates as well as perusing other peoples recently uploaded photos (no matter that it is your old co-workers third cousins, friends, nieces wedding photos, you may want to get married at The Island Chateau on Staten Island one day, need to check it all out, right?) Having then mentally planned your wedding in your head you finally remember you want to check out the photo of you that was tagged, "Ohh, noooo, untag, UN-TAGGG, don’t like the way I look in that one at all, fat beard is in full effect in that shot....hmmm, what was I doing?" As your brain wanders into and gets lost in the haze that is "Why I turned on my laptop in the first place", you think to yourself "Oh wait! I haven’t checked out Dlisted yet today....must get my gossip fix...”. Fast froward another twenty minutes and lo and behold , twenty precious minutes later, you are reading about...God I can’t even admit this , you are reading an interview with JUSTIN BIEBER instead of writing your BLOG?!! True story folks. What is wrong with me? I don’t even like The Biebs, what gives? Perhaps this head cold/stomach bug/virus I have has induced a case of Bieber fever? Ugh, I hate myself.
What gives is I am naturally someone who has grown to abhor resolutions, that combined with the fact that I am also a professional procrastinator (in college papers were never started before 11:00pm the night before they were due, the creative juices just couldn’t flow until the pressure was really on). And as I stated in my previous post, resolutions, meh, deep down I never really liked them. They always seemed to be an albatross hanging from your neck from January 1st through December 31st, only to be completely discarded the next year or strapped on yet again, this time heavier and more cumbersome than they were the previous year. Am I naturally rebelling against my aversion to resolutions by procrastinating and not blogging? I don’t know, I guess it’s time to schedule that therapy session. I’ve been seeing the famous Mark Twain quote in peoples statuses all over Facebook (See, told you I read your statuses!) "New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual." Every time I read it I wonder, why do we make resolutions anyway? Why do we think that we will commit to some new way of living on the 31st and wake up January first reformed, renewed and ready to magically be a different, better, wiser, more productive version of ourselves? And I am wondering this all as a reformed bum, as someone who until the last 10 years or so was actually big on resolutions. I liked the hopefulness of it, the possibility, the potential and promise that the New Year and those resolutions held. However, in the past I was also one of the many who were paving hell with them the following week, feeling disappointed, sad and angry with myself for not morphing into a better version of myself.
Then on the Today show I heard my beyatches Kathie Lee and Hoda clucking on about how resolutions are so dead, so over, so not worth it. Then they launched into a whole segment about how people suffer from depression more in January than any other time of the year. Apparently we realize we are in debt from all the Christmas festivities, we are detoxing from a sugar and/or alcohol overload and summer is still 5 months away. Well, thanks for the starting the day off on a positive note ladies!
So I got to thinking, am I feeling down, blase, directionless now that the holidays are over and the New Year is here? Is that why I am reading about Bieber instead of writing a post? I guess if I am honest with myself I feel a little...unfocused. I feel like it's disingenuous to write a positive blog post when truly, my heart isn’t fully buying it. Sometimes I find myself and my list and my ideas so tiresome, then I wonder, “Woah, if I find it tiresome what must others think?” I am actually a very positive person, but the treacly, syrupy, self-helpy, “yay, go me!” sentiments don’t jibe well with me, I do have a little cynic under it all that wants to kick the cheerleaders legs out from under her. And the fact that I had genuinely felt so positive, so focused when I wrote my last post on the 31st yet now felt a little disheartened and weary made me feel like a fraud. In addition, hearing that according to the Today show and Mark Twain everyone apparently feels positive going into the New Year and then on the brink of hopelessness only a few days later made me feel like a cliche. A fraudulent cliche. In addition to that, I know more about Justin Bieber than I should. Not two things I’m proud to admit and not exactly fun fodder for a blog post. (I just realised were I to tag “Justin Bieber” as one of my descriptive key words, my traffic would go up immensely, but since I am already sick, I truly can’t deal with rabid hate mail from teenage girls right now so, I think not.)
In October, once I had completed the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer I felt a little bit like, “OK, what now?” All the months of training, planning, fund-raising, focused on this amazing goal, focused on something that was not only improving my health but also outside of me and for a greater good, and in 2 days it was suddenly...over. Just like that. However I didn’t have time to really wallow in my emotions, in no time at all it was Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas. Time was just speeding by, I was enjoying the ride and not having time to dwell on how I felt. However, once the holidays were over, it was like on January first someone slammed on the breaks and left me on the side of the road kicking the dirt and wondering what’s next?
Well, if I force myself to be honest with myself, I have a whole freaking list of “What’s next”, two long lists as a matter of fact. So, while Justin Bieber is truly riveting and intensely engaging to read about, I have no time, or reason for that matter, to procrastinate. I have plans, I have goals and I have 5 months left to make my year long list a reality. So, bear with me, but I am going to be my own cheerleader right now so please don’t kick my feet out from under me as I launch into a verbal “split lift” for “team M-A-N-D-Y!!” (Too much? Ok, I’ll stop). I am going to refocus myself and, while I have tremendous love and respect for Mark Twain (Some would say he was the Bieber of his time! I KID, I kid.) regarding the New Year I will instead focus on the more positive and hopeful words of Edith Lovejoy Pierce, (Thanks for the quote Jen D!) “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day.” Thanks for reading my first chapter of 2011.