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This is great and hilarious! xoxo

Ry Sal

acerbic and slightly disdainful -- the best qualities a woman can have.

Eileen  McCorry

One of my favorite Bloggers. So go to read you again.

Eileen  McCorry

Not "go to" I meant "good to". Anyway great and funny.


Wonderful post, your 'one' is out there, making his way to you.


Sometimes I wish I was still single. You will meet your mathc one day! and I see nothing wrong with saying exactly what is on your mind. Really a guy asked you to watch his backpack? Was he out of highschool? I think the Dora comment was priceless!!!!!

Love you!!!!!

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I like good conversation and the natural unfolds banter which makes sense of ease and playfulness.

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Life List: 1.Be a Mother 2.Go to Paris with someone I love 3.Go to South Africa 4.See the Grand Canyon 5.See U2 live and be in the first 3 rows 6.Meet Bono (preferably have a drink with him) 7.Take a hot air balloon ride 8.Learn to garden 9.Own a home 10.Make said home warm and welcoming 11.Parasail 12.Camp out (glamping) at least one night 13.Write a book 14.Become active in a charity 15.Visit Hawaii 16.Throw a masquerade ball 17.Have a good amount of money in savings 18.See the pyramids (in Egypt) 19.Stay at the Ice Hotel 20.Swim with Dolphins (that ones for you Michelle!) 21.Horseback ride in Montana 22.Hike through Zion Narrows in Utah 23.Fall in Love 24.Visit Canada 25.Act again 26.Skinny dip in the Ocean 27.Own a house on the Cape (or Branford) 28.Be the type of person who exercises 5 days a week 29.Eat green and healthy ALL the time 30.Play tennis (well) again 31.Meet Al Roker (Bonus if he interviews me) 32.Go to an opulent, black tie New Years Eve ball and wear a gown worthy of the Oscars red carpet. At Midnight kiss a dashing gentleman. 33.Vacation and gamble recklessly in Monte Carlo 34.Achieve acceptance of my body 35.Go to the Opera 36.Stay for a week on a yacht in the Caribbean and start each day with a swim. 37.Learn to ski 38.Fly first class to Hong Kong
Year List: 1. LOSE 65 POUNDS (DONE, over 80lbs shed!) 2. 30 MINUTES OF WALKING 5 DAYS A WEEK (DONE!) 3 LEARN YOGA (Work in progress....) 4. QUIT COKE (Diet coke, I am beyond addicted) (This may have gotten worse, actually...) 5. DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER DAILY (DONE!) 6. START AND MAINTAIN A BLOG (YAY!) (DONE!) 7. BECOME MORE TECH SAAVY (Ohh boy....) 8. NURTURE MY RELATIONSHIPS (Work in progress but so far so good!) 9. STAND UP FOR MYSELF (DONE!) 10. BEOME FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE (Work in progress but again, not too shabby!) 11. RUN A 5K (Knees disagree, still working on it...) 12. GO TO ITALY (SIGH...one day, just not in 2011.) 13. APPLY TO GRAD SCHOOLS (THIS SPACE UNDER CONSTRUCTION) 14. FIGURE OUT WHAT I'M PASSIONATE ABOUT AND HOW TO MAKE MONEY WHILE DOING IT.  (WATCH THIS SPACE!) 15. RAISE $1800 AND WALK 39 MILES FOR THE AVON WALK FOR BREAST CANCER DONE!!!!

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