I have been horrible at blogging the last few weeks. While doing my Christmas shopping, while chasing my little Bear around, while trimming the tree, I would have this little monkey on my back whispering in my ear, "Uhmm, hello!!! Blog anyone? When are you going to blog?! Lazy Blogger! LAAAZEEEE!!" Ughhh. I had ideas, I had posts written in my mind, I had the best of intentions, alas, I haven't posted since Thanksgiving! For shame!
I had intended to write a year end list rehash, a look back at what I've accomplished in the last year, and a look to the future and what I still intend to achieve. Really go out with a bang! However, my clogged sinuses and a looming trip to the grocery store to get goodies for tonight's celebration have fogged my brain and cut my time short. So this will be brief. Truth be told I had to post, just so I could ring in the New Year without that obnoxious monkey on my back distracting me while I tried to remember the words to Auld Lang Syne. I mean, sure, we all know the first verse, but truly, the second verse on is like Greek, am I right? I don't want to ring in another year feeling regretful, regret for things left undone, ashamed at the goals carried over consistently from year to year. Instead I want to focus on the things I have done, the things I intend to do. I don't need any distractions when that ball drops, no guilt or self-reproach, I want to begin 2011 proud of what I accomplished in 2010 and excited for what I will achieve in the coming year.
I was vowing to start this year sans resolutions. They are so annoying, so 2010. I was so excited that for the first time in many, many years I am starting the New Year in better shape, down 68 pounds and already involved in a healthy diet and exercise routine. As opposed to feeling bloated and discouraged after a holiday week of overindulgence. "Lose weight and get healthy" has been my resolution for approximately the last 20 years. (That is a scary thing to type!) To ring in the New Year without that particular monkey on my back feels wonderful, astounding really, and very liberating. So, I was set to ring in 2011 resolution-less, resolutions were for suckers, people less enlightened than me! Until I realized I needed to make blogging my resolution. I went from blogging almost daily, to several times a week, to once a week, to now, well, looks like I am averaging once a month. Not good. Especially because I like blogging, I enjoy it, I love writing, I love thinking of topics to blog about, rolling ideas around in my head, and I will freely admit I am a glutton for the feedback and the comments.
Therefore, I decree 2011 will be the year I continue to focus on my year long list (my May deadline will be here in no time! That "Run a 5K is breathing down my neck folks!) and make blogging more of a priority. I guess I am "resolving" to be a more committed blogger. Tonight at Midnight I am looking forward to singing Auld Lang Syne while kissing my favorite little man, my Terrbear. Thanks to spending my days with him I have found peace, been inspired to get fit, lose weight, and be the best version of myself I can be. That little Bear has made my life more fun, more inspired and more worthwhile. I am blessed to have him for my nephew. When I kiss him at midnight I will do so in the hopes that within a few years I will ring in the New Year with a kiss for my husband and have my own little bears on the way. At midnight I will be putting that wish, that prayer out into the world and will also be wishing and praying that wherever you are, however you ring in the New year you are surrounded by people you love, and you are without regret and instead hopeful for what the New Year will bring! Happy New Year!
That's wonderful! I hope you had a great New Year's Eve and have the best year yet ahead! xoxo
Posted by: Jamie | 01/01/2011 at 02:21 PM
Blogs are good in which we get lots of information and convert that information to knowledge.
Keep it up!
Posted by: Custom Essays | 01/03/2011 at 01:05 AM
You are doing great! So sorry we didn't get to see you! Claire was singing your praises at my sister's.
You will be fine doing a 5k, trust me. I am no runner and did 10 in 2010. The battle is showing up. I'm still shocked to be at the starting line!
I love reading your stuff so I'm psyched with your resolution!
Posted by: jen | 01/03/2011 at 08:06 PM
Thanks Jennifer! I wish we all had been able to get together over the holidays too! xo
Posted by: Manda | 01/03/2011 at 10:11 PM
Thanks for stopping by and for the comment! I agree, blogs are a great way to get info and get inspired!
Posted by: Manda | 01/03/2011 at 10:12 PM
Happy new year. I wish you even more success and happiness on your journey. It has been amazing to see all that you have done this year. And TerrBear is so lucky to have you in his life and his partner/ care giver during the days. Love you!
Posted by: Robin | 01/06/2011 at 11:28 AM