So how do I write a blog about being positive when all I want to do is complain? Over nothing in particular. I am PISSED! Don’t ask me why, I don’t know why! So perhaps today would be a good day to tackle the yoga portion of the year list. Stretch all that exasperation and irritation out of me. I pulled up a few poses online and I am going to try them when Terr-Bear naps this afternoon. Instead of feeling excited about trying yoga I am mentally berating myself for living with my sister who is a CERTIFIED yoga instructor for 3 and a half years and never asking her to give me a lesson. Literally lived in the same apartment with a yoga instructor and never so much as attempted a downward dog. Grrrrr! Well, I said goodbye to regret so I can’t dwell on the fact that I never took advantage of a good opportunity when it was literally under the same roof as me. Nope, can't dwell, won't dwell on the negative. Ugh.
Perhaps I have a case of the Monday’s? Is it possible to catch a case of the Mondays when you spend your days with an adorable little man? I don’t think so. Additionally I have always hated that term, "case of the Monday's". It is so cliched and stale. It seems at every workplace the world over there is some perky hack who will notice you are in a bad mood and chirp "Ohhh! Someone's got a case of the Mondays!". Shut it! NOW I do!. (Side-note my sister Jamie wanted to start a band and name them “Case of the Monday’s” and their first album would be “Casual Friday’s". How great is that? I would buy their album just for the title and name alone.) Okay, that just made me laugh, so maybe I am shaking off this bad attitude.
Truthfully I think I know EXACTLY why I am in such a foul state of mind. Coincidentally I cut sugar and carbs out of my diet on Friday. I am a total carb addict, I love bagels, pizza, pasta, I LOVE IT! And don't even get me started on sugar. Cookies, ice cream, cupcakes, need I say more? So apparently when you cut sugar and carbs out of your diet for the first 3 to 7 days you go through a detoxing and withdrawal of sorts. So today being day four I was ready to be over this feeling of mal content. When I woke up and it was still there with the addition of the lovely eye twitch I was ready to grab a bag of bagels and lock myself in my room.
So I mentally slapped myself across the face, “Focus woman! Get a hold of yourself!” logged onto Typed to pull up my list and reminded myself that the journey won’t always be all fun and games. It is about challenging myself, it is about making some small sacrifices for big rewards later. I was reviewing my list when suddenly I saw a comment from a name I didn’t recognize. Then I realized I received my first comment from someone I didn’t know! The lovely and kind Nora S. left me a thoughtful and encouraging comment and I was beyond elated. Someone outside of my circle of family and friends read my blog! And liked it! Enough to comment! So while that isn’t exactly a bagel or a cupcake, it is pretty sweet (pun intended). I’m off to practice my yoga and stretch away the rest of the doldrums before my little bear wakes up. Happy Monday everyone! xoxo
Yay! Clap, Clap, Clap! xoxo
Posted by: Missy | 06/14/2010 at 04:31 PM
Downward Dog!?!?!? I am afraid to ask and develop on that one. I love how you turned the "case of the Mondays" around like that, a little Terr-Bear is just what the doctor ordered. I too got to work today and just could not stand humanity as a whole, and people just kept proving me right all day long. I got home and Vivi was running a fever and just wanted to "be cozy", you know what... the world's problems just melted away. They do help put it all in perspective the little ones, don't they?
Posted by: Christopher Lembke | 06/14/2010 at 05:10 PM
I laughed out loud again today! Thank you,your Blog is a delight,just wish you published it a few times a day.
Posted by: Eileen McCorry | 06/14/2010 at 06:57 PM
Thanks for the shout-out! Hopefully this will be some good PR for the band... ;)
Posted by: Jamie | 06/14/2010 at 08:57 PM
What Jamie is starting a band and has not asked after my mad tamborine skills? Great post Mandy. I have had a caseof the Mondays for the last week. Maybe it is contagious. Thanks for making me laugh at it though.
Posted by: Robin McCorry Law | 06/15/2010 at 10:27 AM